Friday, October 22, 2010

Triceps kickback

Lean over, with one hand stabilizing the body on the end fo a banch and the other hand holding a dumbbell as illustrated.Keeping your uooer arm parallel to the floor,straighten out the forearm and kick the dumbbell back and slightly upward ,moving only the forearm.contract your trieps very hard at the endof this movement for a count of two befour lowering back down,for maximum effectiveness.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I dont know?

Do you know your goals for hitting the gym?
Do you have a professional trainer?
DO you get the desired results from your workout?
Did you know the workout needs to be varied at defined frequency?
Have you hit a plateau?
There is no one to guide you?
Do you the importance of right posture?
How to do various excercise?

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